Welcome to RatedDoctor.com, your trusted online platform dedicated for patients to find and book appointments with highly Rated doctors.

Our mission is to simplify the process of searching for specialist doctors, ensuring that patients receive high quality care, with an emphasis on trust, transparency and convenience.

We strive to empower patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare and access to high quality healthcare, by meticulously curating a comprehensive list of doctors, allowing patients to browse through verified doctor's profiles and reviews.

Our vision is to become the go-to platform for patients seeking reliable healthcare information and services.
Our core mission is to help people live long, healthy and productive lives by
  • Connecting patients with reputed doctors and healthcare professionals
  • Promoting personalised care and continuity in care for patients
  • Helping doctors care for their patients better by building software products for doctors
Dr. Anand Masilamani
Dr. Anand Masilamani, MBBS, FRCS, D.O, Cert. LRS.,
Founder & CEO
Dr. Mani has always been fascinated by the influence of Genomics, Big Data, smartphones, wearables, Nanotechnology, Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (A.I) on the practise of Medicine. Dr. Mani began his medical career at the reputed Stanley medical college in Chennai, India. He holds a Diploma in Ophthalmology (D.O) from the Regional Institute of Ophthalmology in India and is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. (FRCS). He did a honorary fellowship in Medical Retina at the Queens medical centre, Nottingham, UK. He is certified by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London in laser eye surgery and has performed over 17,000 laser eye surgeries. He has also passed the necessary licensing examinations to practise Medicine in the United States of America. He has had the unique opportunity of being exposed and worked in the healthcare systems in India, U.K and U.S.A. His special interests are in the fields of Genomics and Digital Medicine.
He has been accepted into the IBM global entrepreneur program.
Dr. Mani enjoys travelling, listening to music and spending time with his family.
Dr. Anand Masilamani
Dr. Horia Maior
Dr. Horia Maior, BSc, PhD (Computer Science).,
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Maior graduated from the Swansea University with a Bachelors in Computer Science and obtained his PhD from the Mixed Reality Lab and the Horizon Digital Economy Centre for Doctoral Training at the University of Nottingham.
His multidisciplinary research interests fall between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and Human factors, and it is focused on using brain and physiological data using wearable technologies to evaluate HCIs. By understanding how people perceive, process and use information during their interaction with technology, his ultimate goal is to create technology that better facilitates people.
Moreover, his research has greater impact on the use of these sensors for tracking patients physical and mental wellbeing.
Dr. Maior is a regular speaker at international conferences and has published extensively in his chosen field of Human-Computer Interaction.
Dr. Maior oversees innovation at Rated Doctor.
Mr. Sai Iyer
Mr. Sai Iyer MSc, MBA.,
Chief strategy officer
Mr. Sai Iyer started off as a consultant physiotherapist for health and fitness clubs in Mumbai, India after graduating with bachelors in physiotherapy (BSc) from India. He came to the UK and furthered his education by acquiring a Masters in Science (Applied Physiology) in 2005 from the University of Wales, Bangor. He then moved on as Head for physiotherapy services, Midlands region from 11 years. While working as a manager he acquired a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) in 2009 from Keele University, UK. He has substantial experience of working in a range of settings from intensive care units to outpatient department for the past 16 years He designs personalises functional rehabilitation programmes for clients based on their needs and diagnoses. He has also worked as a research assistant for post cardiac surgery patient rehabilitation programme. His focus is on achieving quality healthcare services and being a catalyst to improve change. He also has fundamental understanding of the drivers in healthcare business performance and leverage it to deliver holistic care for patients.
Mr. Sai Iyer
Dr. Manick Sundaresan

Dr. Manick Sundaresan, MBBS, MRCGP.,
Clinical Governance Officer
Dr. Manick Sundar is a part time senior GP partner at the Park Practice in Bromley, south east London.
He obtained his medical degree from the reputed Stanley medical college in Chennai, India.
He trained in various hospitals in the south of England which led to his obtaining Membership with the Royal College of General Practice (MRCGP)
He has vast experience as a general practitioner and medical director for over 15 years. He is the lead GP from his practice in charge of healthcare policies, clinical governance and CQC (Care Quality Commission) compliance.
He is a certified by the Joint committee on postgraduate training for general practice (JCPTGP) as a trainer of junior doctors aspiring a career in General Practice.
He sits on the board of his local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as a key decision maker for his practice.
Dr. Sundar chairs CMDT (Community Multi Disciplinary Meetings) which has led to his interest in Telemedicine and remote patient monitoring.
Dr. Sundar brings his expertise in Telemedicine, remote patient monitoring and clinical governance to rated doctor.
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