“Keratitis Covered” - Corneal Study Day


09:00 - 13:00

CPD Points For Attending This Event: 4


This event has already taken place.

The latest in Corneal infections from the experts in ophthalmology!

  • Excellent webinar
  • Looking forward to more such events
  • Very beneficial, would be great if the attendees were able to view the presentation again

Event Recording: 

watch this recorded presentation and fill in this Evaluation Form get CPD points approved by the Royal College Ophthalmologists, U.K.


Prof. Harminder Singh Dua, CBE.,

Chair And Professor Of Ophthalmology, University Of Nottingham, UK.

Prof. Dalia Said, MSc, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth, Cert.LRS.,

Consultant Ophthalmologist And Cornea Specialist, Nottingham University Hospital, UK.


Prof. Harminder Singh Dua, CBE, CMLJ, DL.,

MBBS, DO, DO(London), MS, MNAMS, FRCS(Edinburgh), FEBO(EU), FRCOphth, FRCP(Edinburgh, Honorary), FCOptom.(UK, Honorary), FRCOphth.(UK, Honorary), FAICO(Honorary, India), MD, PhD.,

Chair and Professor of Ophthalmology University of Nottingham B Floor, Eye ENT Centre Queens Medical Centre Nottingham. NG7 2UH United Kingdom

Prof. Dalia Said

MB BCh, MSc, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth, PgDip, CertLRS.,

Consultant Ophthalmologist and Cornea specialist. Ophthalmology undergraduate medical education lead Honorary Clinical Associate Professor Nottingham University, UK Professor of Ophthalmology, Cairo, Egypt.

watch this recorded presentation and fill in this Evaluation Form to get free CPD points approved by the Royal College Ophthalmologists, U.K.


Herpes Simplex Virus Keratitis Acanthamoeba Keratitis Bacterial Keratitis Fungal Keratitis Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis Neuropathic Keratitis Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus

watch this recorded presentation and fill in this Evaluation Form to get free CPD points approved by the Royal College Ophthalmologists, U.K.

Rated Doctor